Hand Poke Tattoos in the style of Bamboo tattooing, but done with hygienic stainless steel rods with deposable tips. So new needles are used every time.
Our Sak Yant Masters has been in the industry for more than 35 years and doing excellent bamboo hand poke tattoos. Our artists do the highest quality work at the best price. Check out our artist’s work below. We like to keep high standards and at the same time keep the price as low as possible.

We are fair to our clients and the artist. The prices are fixed and shown in the catalogs. You can have Thai tattoos for beauty or can have them blessed to activate them to receive protection, good luck, and white magic from them. If you want half or full arm or back pieces then the work can be done by the hour. Hand Poke Tattoos, exclusive, unique, and amazing Thai Tattoo gallery. Take a look and imagine these designs on you. No 1, best tattoo studio in Bangkok.
Thai Tattoos in Sak Yant Designs
Links to Bangkok Ink Tattoo Group Websites and Links to Associates in Business
Sak Yant Tattoo Designs
Sak Yant Designs
Thai Tattoo Designs
Thai Tattoo Yant Designs
Tiger Web Geek, Website Design, Hosting, SEO, Marketing
Thai Tattoo Sak Yant UK Tours
Bangkok Ink Studio, Machine, Hand Poke Tattoos, Tattoo Removal, VIP Service to Ajarn Ohr
Tattoo School Thailand Bangkok
Asian Artifacts oneshopasia.com
Thai Tattoo Sak Yant USA
Skindiver Tattoo Studio, Gothenburg, Sweden
SkinDiver.com Tattoo Studio
inktattoo.se Tattoo Studio
Skin Graffiti Tattoo Studio UK
Happysailortattoo.com Old School Tattooing
Ink Tattoo Studio
The Tattooed Gent Studio